p-value: | 1e-735 |
log p-value: | -1.694e+03 |
Information Content per bp: | 1.649 |
Number of Target Sequences with motif | 2188.0 |
Percentage of Target Sequences with motif | 18.01% |
Number of Background Sequences with motif | 1496.9 |
Percentage of Background Sequences with motif | 4.07% |
Average Position of motif in Targets | 100.3 +/- 42.9bp |
Average Position of motif in Background | 100.7 +/- 64.7bp |
Strand Bias (log2 ratio + to - strand density) | 0.0 |
Multiplicity (# of sites on avg that occur together) | 1.06 |
Motif File: | file (matrix) reverse opposite |
Rank | Match Score | Redundant Motif | P-value | log P-value | % of Targets | % of Background | Motif file |
1 | 0.619 |
| 1e-574 | -1323.464100 | 10.92% | 1.83% | motif file (matrix) |
2 | 0.766 |
| 1e-329 | -757.890348 | 3.56% | 0.25% | motif file (matrix) |
3 | 0.691 |
| 1e-244 | -563.688627 | 28.04% | 15.99% | motif file (matrix) |
4 | 0.708 |
| 1e-223 | -514.348150 | 8.96% | 2.92% | motif file (matrix) |
5 | 0.828 |
| 1e-165 | -380.870709 | 11.57% | 5.20% | motif file (matrix) |
6 | 0.752 |
| 1e-136 | -315.304495 | 8.55% | 3.61% | motif file (matrix) |
7 | 0.687 |
| 1e-98 | -227.670446 | 15.74% | 9.62% | motif file (matrix) |
8 | 0.651 |
| 1e-51 | -118.042532 | 16.67% | 11.98% | motif file (matrix) |
9 | 0.614 |
| 1e-10 | -24.060203 | 0.69% | 0.31% | motif file (matrix) |