p-value: | 1e-132 |
log p-value: | -3.056e+02 |
Information Content per bp: | 1.624 |
Number of Target Sequences with motif | 5646.0 |
Percentage of Target Sequences with motif | 46.48% |
Number of Background Sequences with motif | 13083.0 |
Percentage of Background Sequences with motif | 35.61% |
Average Position of motif in Targets | 99.0 +/- 57.0bp |
Average Position of motif in Background | 99.6 +/- 65.4bp |
Strand Bias (log2 ratio + to - strand density) | 0.0 |
Multiplicity (# of sites on avg that occur together) | 1.46 |
Motif File: | file (matrix) reverse opposite |
Rank | Match Score | Redundant Motif | P-value | log P-value | % of Targets | % of Background | Motif file |
1 | 0.660 | 1e-131 | -303.851762 | 77.30% | 67.20% | motif file (matrix) | |
2 | 0.664 | 1e-125 | -288.160445 | 58.04% | 47.24% | motif file (matrix) | |
3 | 0.845 | 1e-68 | -156.897905 | 10.86% | 6.58% | motif file (matrix) | |
4 | 0.618 | 1e-50 | -116.752265 | 15.65% | 11.13% | motif file (matrix) | |
5 | 0.787 | 1e-45 | -105.826186 | 2.81% | 1.16% | motif file (matrix) | |
6 | 0.618 | 1e-41 | -96.231893 | 9.13% | 5.99% | motif file (matrix) | |
7 | 0.672 | 1e-31 | -72.672610 | 0.21% | 0.01% | motif file (matrix) | |
8 | 0.679 | 1e-24 | -56.682322 | 8.03% | 5.73% | motif file (matrix) |