Chapter 2 - snakemake connects rules for you!

Chaining rules with input: blocks

We can get snakemake to automatically connect rules by providing information about the input files a rule needs. Then, if you ask snakemake to run a rule that requires certain inputs, it will automatically figure out which rules produce those inputs as their output, and automatically run them.

Let's add input information to the plot_comparison and compare_genomes rules:

rule sketch_genomes:
    shell: """
        sourmash sketch dna -p k=31 genomes/*.fna.gz --name-from-first

rule compare_genomes:
    shell: """
        sourmash compare GCF_000021665.1.fna.gz.sig \
            GCF_000017325.1.fna.gz.sig GCF_000020225.1.fna.gz.sig \
            -o compare.mat

rule plot_comparison:
    message: "compare all input genomes using sourmash"
    shell: """
        sourmash plot compare.mat

Now you can just ask snakemake to run the last rule:

snakemake -j 1 plot_comparison

and snakemake will run the other rules only if those input files don't exist and need to be created.

Taking a step back

The Snakefile is now a lot longer, but it's not too much more complicated - what we've done is split the shell commands up into separate rules and annotated each rule with information about what file it produces (the output), and what files it requires in order to run (the input).

This has the advantage of making it so you don't need to rerun commands unnecessarily. This is only a small advantage with our current workflow, because sourmash is pretty fast. But if each step takes an hour to run, avoiding unnecessary steps can make your work go much faster!

And, as you'll see later, these rules are reusable building blocks that can be incorporated into workflows that each produce different files. So there are other good reasons to break shell commands out into individual rules!